Logical reasoning is one of the key characteristics of intelligent behaviour of (most) humans. Automating logical reasoning is a main research area in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The core of this research area is called Automated Theorem Proving.
My research interests are within the field of automated theorem proving. More details can be found in my publications. Most of the theoretical results presented in these papers have been implemented. The source code of these programs can be found in the theorem provers section. Please feel free to contact me.
Research Interests
My research interests are focused on areas in automated theorem proving that are related to one or more of the following topics.
- Connection-based theorem proving: develop proof methods that are based on the connection calculus.
- Non-classical logics: proof methods that deal with, e.g., intuitionistic logic, modal logics or linear logic.
- Applications for theorem provers: apply theorem proving techniques to applications from different domains.
- Non-clausal theorem proving: develop calculi that work entirely on the original presentation of the given input.
- Lean theorem proving: implement provers that are not only very compact but also have a strong performance.
- Benchmark libraries: provide libraries for testing and benchmarking provers for popular non-classical logics.
- Program synthesis: use automated theorem provers in the development of verifiably correct software.
- Proof presentation: presenting proofs found by automated theorem provers in a readable form.
Professional Activities
I serve on the program and steering committees of the following international conferences and workshops.
Programme committee member of
ARQNL 2024 (co-chair), TACAS-AE 2024, IWIL 2024, AReCCa 2023 (co-chair), TABLEAUX 2023, IWIL 2023, Deduction 2023, IJCAR 2022, ARQNL 2022 (co-chair), PAAR 2022, TABLEAUX 2021, PxTP 2021, IJCAR 2020, IWIL 2020, PAAR 2020, TABLEAUX 2019, CADE 2019, Deduction 2019, IJCAR 2018, IWIL 2018 ARQNL 2018 (co-chair), PAAR 2018, AITP 2018, EICNCL 2018, Deduction 2018, TABLEAUX 2017, AITP 2017, IWIL 2017, Deduction 2017, IJCAR 2016, ARQNL 2016 (co-chair), PAAR 2016, Deduction 2016, TABLEAUX 2015, IWIL 2015, Deduction 2015, PAAR 2014, ARQNL 2014 (co-chair), TABLEAUX 2013, PxTP 2013, PAAR 2012, COMPARE 2012, IWIL 2012, TABLEAUX 2011, FTP 2011, PAAR 2010, TABLEAUX 2009. - President of the steering committee (2013-2023) of TABLEAUX (International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods).
- Member of the steering committee (2013-2023) of IJCAR (International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning).
Please contact me if you need further information.
Jens Otten
Potassco Solutions
Recent Activities
- ARQNL 2024. The 5th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics in Nancy/France.
- AReCCa 2023. The International Workshop on Automated Reasoning with Connection Calculi in Prague/Czech Republic.
- ARQNL 2022. The 4th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics in Haifa/Israel.
- The nanoCoP 2.0 Connection Provers for
Classical, Intuitionistic and Modal Logics.
Paper at TABLEAUX in Birmingham/UK
[see nanoCoP, nanoCoP-i, nanoCoP-M] -
Build Your Own First-Order Prover and
How to Build an Automated Theorem Prover.
Invited tutorials at CADE in Natal/Brazil and TABLEAUX in London/UK - The Geological Assistant (supporting reasoning in the
geology domain).
A SIRIUS project at the University of Oslo